Advocate for local sustainable food. Make your voice heard - businesses will respond to market demand! You can become a member of Harvest Haliburton to stay in the loop about initiatives to help build our local food system.
Contact Aisha to learn how you can join us in our advocacy efforts!
Buy $10 worth of local food per week – if each household spent just $10 on local food each week that would increase our local economy by approximately a million dollars each year!
Cook local fresh food with your spouse, children, friends - cooking local foods at home with family and friends not only supports our small-scale food businesses but cultivates good eating habits and mentoring opportunities.
Donate healthy food or your extra garden fresh produce to one of our many community food programs. We all need fresh fruits and vegetables for good health. For a list of community food programs go to
Engage others in a local sustainable food movement. Share the knowledge you have about local food and why it is so important to us all. Get our county talking and engaged.
Frequent businesses that serve and/or sell local foods. By supporting businesses that source local foods you are encouraging business owners to continue the practice and encouraging other business owners to follow suit.
Grow your own food and share it! Growing food benefits our bodies, our environment and our pocketbooks. Sharing fresh and flavourful food is part of the joy of growing your own food and just may encourage others to do the same.
Help our many seniors and isolated residents by picking up fresh local food at the
farmers’ market for them while you are there. Organize a schedule with neighbours
or with your church group and make sure everyone has access to good healthy local food.
Inform yourself and others on the issues of local sustainable food and food storage.
Join a community garden or community kitchen or better yet start your own. Haliburton County has over twelve community gardens and variety of community kitchens.